I shot all of these on Thursday: part two of my Day In the Life project. Still working with my super-wide-angle lens. I'm really enjoying testing it out.
9am: walking to class
10am: Sitting in class with everyone. A little out of focus, unfortunately
11am: Michelle. I want to edit out the head behind her, but I don't think we are supposed to edit much for this project.
12pm: Back in class
1pm: Back in the kitchen for lunch
2pm: Hanging out in the living room. Kinda too green
3pm: Heading back to class. Rather warm, but I kind of liked it that way
4pm: In History of Photo watching the film "Born Into Brothels"
5pm: Walking on campus
6pm: In Secondary Art Education together, taking photos. Haha.
7pm: Still in class.
8pm: Bad photo of me, but I thought I'd end it with a self portrait
HA! I'm so glad you also posted the picture we took of ourselves from Education! Looking good. Your days are looking about as exciting as mine!
Unique approach using a fish eye. That is different from everyone else. NIce work.
The very last photo is my favorite! I love your expression and shrugging of the shoulders. The foreground adds alot with the papers being close to the lens. Loved the wide angle lens made you project stand out.
I enjoy the 9am walking to class shot. The road you're walking on, streaked with snow, seems to follow the curve of your fish eye lens. I also like how the tree in the top right corner bends in to frame the shot and add some texture to the sky.
5pm: Walking on campus is a great image. I enjoy it because it seems to be the only image that i truly enjoy the choice of lens and composition.
"9am: walking to class" is my favorite shot. The fish eye lens gives it a great effect and the snow on the ground appears to be swirling leading the eye into the photograph.
"Walking on Campus" is my favorite image from your 24. I am not sure what it is, but something about this picture stands out for me. I like the few students walking away from you up the hill, and I love how the sky is huge.
" 9 am: walking to class" i like the composition of this shot you took, the range in depth is a nice addition with the cars in the foreground and continuing into the distance with the road and the fork as a visual guidance. i like the natural light as well
I really like your first photograph in the series. The lens makes it look like a snow globe. It accents the coldness of the surrounding very well. I applaud you for taking a different approach.