I shot all of these on Thursday: part two of my Day In the Life project. Still working with my super-wide-angle lens. I'm really enjoying testing it out.
9am: walking to class
10am: Sitting in class with everyone. A little out of focus, unfortunately
11am: Michelle. I want to edit out the head behind her, but I don't think we are supposed to edit much for this project.
12pm: Back in class
1pm: Back in the kitchen for lunch
2pm: Hanging out in the living room. Kinda too green
3pm: Heading back to class. Rather warm, but I kind of liked it that way
4pm: In History of Photo watching the film "Born Into Brothels"
5pm: Walking on campus
6pm: In Secondary Art Education together, taking photos. Haha.
7pm: Still in class.
8pm: Bad photo of me, but I thought I'd end it with a self portrait
So I decided to do the photos between 12 and 12 hours, instead of straight 24. I decided to use my super wide angle lens that I just got because I wanted to see what it was capable of. Here's what I have so far, and I'll post tomorrow's 12 shots once I've taken them.
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9 am, preparing for the day
I missed 10, because I left my camera battery in my room when I left for class...
11am, Kathy Bates and I are hanging out
12pm, lunch time
1pm, watching Biggest Loser and having goldfish...